CBC Update Regarding the COVID-19 Outbreak

Mike Green Prresident and CEO

From the desk of Mike Green

I want to let every CBC customer know one thing... We are all in this together! CBC is fortunate enough to be able to maintain operations at 100% regardless if our staff works remotely or in one of our offices. We do not rely on third-party vendors to continue normal operations.
We have had provisions in place for years in the event of a catastrophe or now if a potential full "shelter in place" order is executed. Our systems are protected in multiple geographical locations with immediate rollover if a system fails. Your information is safe and secure.

The CBC family:

Being a part of the CBC family goes far beyond a business to customer relationship. We are all dealing with this crisis together and I want you to know we will work with you through this. In the event you are forced to close, or limit business hours, CBC is prepared to assist in billable services such as monthly charges, web apps, minimums, and other inconveniences that may arise during this challenging time.

What's our plan?

We have been contacted by many of our customers regarding what will happen if their business is forced to close or they are forced to work remotely. How will I be able to pull credit? We can assure everyone we are committed to make adjustments necessary to keep everyone operating and moving forward. If there is one thing you don't have to worry about, it's if this vendor has your back or not. We do!

You have my word!

President and CEO Mike Green

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