Customer Care Plan
April  Update

Mike Green Prresident and CEO

From the desk of Mike Green

Dear Customers and Partners,
First and foremost, from the entire Credit Bureau Connection (CBC) team, we hope you, your team members, and your families continue to be safe and healthy during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic.  This has been a very difficult and challenging situation for everyone.  On the bright side, we are beginning to see some positive signs from a healthcare perspective as well as a business perspective, as many areas are beginning to adjust some of the previous restrictions.  As a result, we are seeing a steady increase of credit report activity each day.
As we communicated last month, our CBC team continues to provide the same high level of support, service, and responsiveness to our customer’s needs while working remotely and quickly adapting to this unprecedented situation.   

Last month CBC took a proactive approach and provided discounts to customers on various monthly fees, depending on products and services subscribed for.  Also, as a reminder, unlike most of your other software vendor/providers, your credit report invoice is mostly based on a per transaction basis.  For example, if your credit report activity is down 50% for April, your invoice from CBC for credit report activity will be approximately 50% less, so you pay for what you use. 
In anticipation of a continued increase in credit report activity, but while still recognizing that some customers simply closed their doors for most of the month of April, we will be applying the following COVID-19 Customer Care credits to our customer’s May 2020 invoices (on all accounts that are current with CBC and not past due) as a show of support during this difficult time.  They will be as follows:
For all CBC credit report subscribers that had no credit report transactions during the April billing period:
  • A 100% credit of Subscriber Code Service Fees, Third Party Integration Fees, Fixed Monthly Compliance Fees, Fixed Monthly Automated Income Check Fees, Fixed Monthly eCredit or eQualify Online Application Fees, and Fixed Monthly eCredit Complete Software Portal Fees
For all CBC credit report subscribers:
  • A 100% credit of all Minimum Monthly Fees
Your May 2020 invoice will include the applicable COVID-19 Customer Care credit listed as a separate line item on your invoice so there is no further action necessary. 
We will get through this together and we are committed to working through this difficult situation with you.  We appreciate your business and your loyalty, and again, we wish you, your team members, and your families continued health and safety during these unprecedented times.


Mike Green
President/CEO, Credit Bureau Connection, Inc.

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