CBC Security Newsletter

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CBC Security is Serious Business

CBC's security and data protection protocols extend to levels far beyond the minimum requirements from the Credit Reporting Agencies and federal regulations.  We pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve in every facet of the products and services we provide, and data security is no exception.  It takes constant diligence to maintain such levels of security and data protection related to consumer and subscriber data.  CBC's system access is secured by Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), including: unique username and strong password credentials, user definable secret questions verification, IP restrictions and filters, and device based authentication such as cell phone number login access.  CBC's secure hosting infrastructure utilizes multiple redundant systems, database mirroring, real-time and periodic data backups, RSA-256 data encryption, geographically diverse data centers, strict biometric authentication access, and more.

CBC Security

The Credit Reporting Agencies face significant risks if sensitive consumer information is not adequately protected by all parties.  To address this, Experian created a security standard referred to as EI3PA.
EI3PA is closely based on the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS),  EI3PA utilizes the current PCI-DSS Audit Framework as a standard for data handling and security requirements that we must comply with.  EI3PA establishes 12 primary requirements for organizations to assess their security measures in protecting consumer data.  Any entity that transmits, stores, processes, or provides consumer credit data from Experian is subject to EI3PA and must comply with and attest to compliance as performed by a third party Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). Continue reading more about EI3PA...

TransUnion and Equifax, as well as Experian, also perform annual and random security and compliance audits in which they request information from CBC and subscribers to verify CBC and its subscribers are meeting security, policy, and procedure requirements.  This is a very thorough process and may involve information we must obtain from our subscribers as well.  This is noted in CBC's subscriber agreement and is strictly enforced.


What do I do if a customer disputes the pulling of a credit report?

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In the event you receive a letter, email, or phone call from an individual claiming you pulled their credit without proper authorization, follow these steps to rectify the issue.

Verify that the customer had a credit report pulled by someone in your organization at the time of the inquiry and from the noted location. If verifiable and you can produce a wet ink signed credit application or compliant e-signed web application, you need to contact the consumer and provide proof of authorization. If you cannot produce a signed credit application in the form mentioned above, you should complete the following steps to have the inquiry removed.
  1. Contact the consumer disputing the inquiry and have them provide a letter requesting the inquiry removal. The letter should include bureau pulled, consumer name, date of inquiry, and SS#.
  2. Create an inquiry removal letter on company letterhead explaining the bureau was pulled in error and request the inquiry be removed.
  3. Send both letters via email, fax, or mail to CBC Support.
  4. CBC will forward the request to the bureau or bureaus. The request can take from 30 to 90 days to be processed.
Requesting an inquiry to be removed is acceptable under most circumstances. Each Credit Reporting Agency keeps records of inquiry removal requests and evaluates possible abuse or improper usage, and can suspend or revoke the right to pull consumer credit reports if they deem rules and requirements have not been adhered to by the subscriber.  Please contact CBC for more information.

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